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TPK is a South Korean registered company with offices operating in Brunei Darussalam, Singapore and South Korea. The design of shiplift and transfer systems is central to our business alongside providing expert consultancy for dockyard design/planning and dockyard optimization.


The technology and expertise we offer are highly flexible and we tailor our services to all our client’s needs. We understand that the current economic climate offers many challenges and obstacles, but our strive for excellence in all our activities ensure we become a driving force for change, development and optimizations to all dockyards around the globe.


At TPK, we provide clients the competitive edge through our proven quality of services.  

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Contact Details

Our offices are based in Republic of Korea and Singapore



TPK Co., Ltd.


Head Office and Factory: 29, Noksansaneopjung-Ro, Gangseo-Ku, Busan, Republic of Korea 


Tel: +82 51 266 7968 

Fax: +82 51 266 7696 

M: +82 10 3840 5295







본사 및 공장: 부산광역시 강서구 녹산산업중로 29(송정동 1460-4)


Tel: +82 51 266 7968 

Fax: +82 51 266 7696 

M: +82 10 3840 5295





TPK Systems Pte Ltd


10 Anson Road, #09-17 International Plaza, 079903, Singapore



Tel: +65 9630 9401

Fax: +65 6826 4340

M: +82 10 3840 5295



Worldwide (24 Hour)


Tel: +82 10 3840 5295







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